Mosquito nets » Aosta

Aosta is the mosquito net without any floor guide.

Its semplicity makes it suitable for frequent passage openings.

Available with differents types of net: aluminium (standard), glass fiber and steel.

Aosta is very compact, slides through a rail minimizing the distance between the doors.


Structure Width Height
2400 max 2500 max
Certificazione   13561


The contained information in this page may be imprecise because of possible technical modifications made after realization. The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical modifications without advance notice. Before making orders consult your manufacturer or retailer trusted. The roller blind is designed for the sun protection of the space where it is located. Every other use is inappropriate and dangerous. Marinello Tende cannot be considered responsible for possible damages caused by improper, erroneous and unreasonable use. The roller blind must be installed perpendicular to the horizontal area. When the danger of icing is present the roller blind cannot be operated, in case of strong wind it is necessary to wrap up the roller blind. The fabric can have folds that do not influence the proper functioning of the roller blind.