Roller blinds » Como

Como roller blind with double cover box satisfies the needs for internal blind with any type of inclination.

Thanks to its function of fabric inside the guide it is possible to use Como for both filtering and black out effect.

Matching cover boxes part from 60 mm to 100 mm depending on the size.


C70 with 22x40 guide
C85/C100 with
22x80 guide


Roller tube Material: Aluminium or steel tube with recess
Cassette Material / Finishing: Powder-coated extruded aluminium
Ispectable: Yes (85-100 mm)
Complements: Seal brush
Bottom rail Material / Finishing: Powder-coated extruded aluminium
Complements: Seal brush
Guides Material / Finishing: Powder-coated extruded aluminium
Ispectable: No
Screws Material: Stainless steel
Handlings Motor: Alternating current AC a 230v / 14-16 rpm
Gear: With folded joint, rod and folding crank handle
Brackets Material / Finishing: Powder-coated stainless steel
Installation types   Top fix
  In front of the window
Guides installation   Front
  In front of the window
Dimensions Width (mm): 600 min - 2000 max
Height (mm): Depending of the fabric
  Gear Motor
With guides: 2200 max 3000 max
Fabric confectioning Roller tube: Cable with tape
Bottom rail: Fold with rigid rod
Certification   13561



The contained information in this page may be imprecise because of possible technical modifications made after realization. The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical modifications without advance notice. Before making orders consult your manufacturer or retailer trusted. The roller blind is designed for the sun protection of the space where it is located. Every other use is inappropriate and dangerous. Marinello Tende cannot be considered responsible for possible damages caused by improper, erroneous and unreasonable use. The roller blind must be installed perpendicular to the horizontal area. When the danger of icing is present the roller blind cannot be operated, in case of strong wind it is necessary to wrap up the roller blind. The fabric can have folds that do not influence the proper functioning of the roller blind.