Tecnical fabrics » Cristal


CRISTAL is a transparent plastic material, obtained through a rolling process, and inside it is not present warp and weft. This absence involves dimensional instability and elastic behavior.

By its nature CRISTAL is subject to variations in size due to variations in temperature, humidity and sunlight which will be more accentuated with the increase in size.

These peculiarities can cause coinciding undulations of the welds and small folds at the corners of the tent.

By combining it with fabrics, undulations caused by the increase in thickness at the welds can occur

The material is electrostatic and can attract abrasive particles that increase its opacity.

If they are still wet, they may create halos or stains.

Due to its manufacturing process slight streaks, scratches or spots may occur.

These characteristics, that don’t compromise the blind’s operation, are not questionable.

Our Cristal fabrics

Code: View 0,7
Colour: Transparent
Seams: "Invisible" vertical seams (0,7 mm)
Code: View 15
Colour: Transparent
Seams: Horizontal seams (15 mm ca.)
Code: Res huvp
Colour: Smoked grey
Seams: Horizontal or vertical
Code: Brunito
Colour: Smoked brown
Junctions: Horizontal seams (15 mm ca.)
Code: Window
Colour: Transparent / white
Seams: Horizontal
Size of printed square: 25x24cm - strip width 1cm




The technical fabrics shown in this site are a selection of the available tissues for the realisation of the roller blinds. We recommend to contact us or to consult your retailer of trust for further explanations.
Because of technical limits for the display and the print the colours reproduced in this document can differ from the real colours. We recommend to control the colour chart with the tissue samples before making any order.
Values and indications given may change and are not binding.
The fireproofing certifications are those reported by our fabric suppliers (as for all the other data regarding properties of fabrics): if necessary, it is always advisable, during the quotation phase, to make sure that the required certificate is present. These certificates can be subject to expiration and/or renewals.