Gtot is the total factor of solar energy, i.e. the ratio between transmitted energy through the combination of glazing plus solar protection device and incident energy.
Gtot data reported in the downloadable pdf file are related to standard glazing (as required by reference legislation).
Other fabric’s properties are reported; these are necessary if a qualified technician needs to asseverate the effective Gtot (referred to the combination of the present glazing with the adopted solar protection device).
In the document you will find more information about this.
Gtot + solar and optical qualities
Calculation is executed using simplified calculation method as described by standard UNI EN ISO 52022-1, simple to use but with a higher approximation degree. For a more accurate calculation refer to standard UNI EN ISO 52022-3 “Detailed calculation method of the solar and daylight characteristics for solar protection devices combined with glazing”.
Please note that this calculator is only an evaluation tool. The obtained results cannot be in any way certified and / or challenged.
Marinello Tende srl does not take responsibility for any inaccuracies or consequences deriving from the use of this calculation tool.
By using this calculator, the user accepts what previously reported.